بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير
السنجاب هو نوع من الثدييات الصغيرة من
القوارض ،يوجد حوالي 30 نوع من السناجب من اشهرها السنجاب الأحمر ، السنجاب الرمادي
، السنجاب الطائر.
فأر مرموط ماذا يأكل السنجاب غذاء السناجب اكل السنجاب المفضل سنجاب رمادي شرقي تربية السنجاب
كيف يتكاثر السنجاب صفات السنجاب التصنيفات الأقل معلومات عن السنجاب الطائر اسنان السنجاب ترجمة و معنى سنجاب بالإنجليزي
السنجاب بالانجليزي
كلمة سنجاب
معنى سنجاب
اسماء السنجاب
قندس بالانجليزي معلومات عن السنجاب بالانجليزي
نطق كلمة chipmunk
السنجاب squirrel
اكل السنجاب المفضل تربية السنجاب كيف يتكاثر السنجاب
سنجاب أحمر الطائر ياباني تربية السنجاب الطائر في البيت
Physical description
The squirrel is a mammal easily recognizable thanks to its bushy
tail in the shape of a feather duster. Its size varies according to the
species, but it generally weighs less than one kilogram. The smallest African
pygmy squirrel is only 13 cm, while the largest, the giant squirrel in Asia, is
90 cm.
The color of the coat also varies depending on the species. It is
red in the squirrel of Eurasia, widespread in Europe and North Asia; gray,
brown or black in the Gray Squirrel, which is very present in North America.
Its fur is longer and thicker in winter. Tree species have thin, long fingers,
and a very bushy tail, while terrestrial species have less bushy tails and more
robust fingers to dig the soil.
His place of life
Squirrels are present on all continents. Some species live mainly
in trees where they dig their nest. They are found in woods and forests. Their
long tail is then very useful to move from trees to trees and to move when they
climb or leap. Other species are more terrestrial and live in burrows. However,
it is not uncommon to observe them in parks and gardens.
His diet
Squirrels are rodents, mainly vegetarians and consume nuts,
mushrooms, hazelnuts and bark. They can also eat from time to time insects and
small mammals.
His reproduction
Squirrels reach sexual maturity at about one year of age. Once the
females are fertilized, they chase the male. They have one or two litters a
year, 5 on average. The gestation period lasts 1 to 2 months. The little ones
are born blind, without hair and without teeth. They are raised only by the
mother, who breastfeeds them for about 10 weeks, after which they become
His life expectancy
The squirrel can live about 7 years in freedom, and up to 10 years
in captivity because it is kept safe from predators and diseases.
Squirrel scream
Squirrels cries out when they feel in danger, to warn other
squirrels. When they clash with each other, they can also make sounds that
sound like clucking teeth. During the breeding season, we can also hear females
crying to attract males.
Particular signs
The squirrel is known for constantly making provisions for the
winter by hiding seeds in the soil or in the trees. He thus participates
actively in the reproduction of the forests because the seeds which he forgets
to dig up germinate and become trees. But even though he is stocking up for the
cold season, the squirrel does not hibernate because he can not store enough
energy to survive for a long time without eating. He just slows down his
activity, just finding the seeds hidden during the fall, thanks to his
well-developed sense of smell.