معلومات بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير
الحصيني عيش في الصحراء
الكبرى في شمال أفريقيا وبعض أجزاء شبه الجزيرة العربية في السعودية، حيوان صغير إفريقيّ كما الثعلب الفنك Le
موضوع تعبير عن
حيوان باللغة الإنجليزية الفنك حيوان قارت وهو يصطاد القوارض، الحشرات (مثل العقارب والجراد)،
السحالي من شاكلة سمكة الرمال (سقنقور)، الطيور، والبيض حيوان مهدد بالانقراض
ثعلب فنك معلومات عن ثعلب الفنك الجزائري
ثعلب الفنك في مصر
Physical description
The fennec is a small carnivorous mammal.
It is recognizable thanks to its very long ears up to the size of 10 cm. This
animal also has a long nose and fine whiskers, as well as a flat and thick
tail, 20-30 cm long. With a size between 20 and 40 cm, the fennec weighs an
average of 1.7 kg.
The fennec displays a coat ranging from
pale brown to creamy white.
His place of life
We find the fennec north of Africa, in the
Sahara desert. It can also be seen in Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and south
of Tunisia. This animal usually lives in a den, built in a small cave or in
His diet
Classified in the canid family, fennec is
an omnivorous animal, which means that it eats everything. It feeds on plants
and animals such as rodents, lizards, birds, insects. He also likes fruit. Even
if the fennec can stay a long time without drinking, it quenches occasionally
in water points.
His reproduction
From the age of 1 year, the female fennec
is able to carry small. Its gestation period varies between 50 to 52 days and the
birth often takes place between March to April. The female can have up to 5
offspring for a single litter. The little fennec is born blind, with reduced
ears. 10 days after birth, he opens his eyes and begins to raise his ears. The
little one can live without his mother after 2 weeks of breastfeeding. It is
the male fennec that protects and nourishes its female during pregnancy and
His life expectancy
A fennec can live up to 10 years in the
Cry of the fennec
The fennec's cry is like a small,
repetitive growl: it is said that it squeaks or yelps. Unhappy, he can start
screaming in a rather intimidating way.
Particular signs
The fennec is a nocturnal animal that
adapts to an arid and dry environment. His coat allows him to be confused in
the desert.
Capable of making leaps of 70 cm high, he
also has a very sensitive hearing that allows him to detect his prey from far
Cousin of the fox, he is also sometimes
called "fox of the sands" or "fox of the desert".